Return To A Natural Pace
Written by Jessi, a holistic health coach
@frontier.wellness on Instagram
Imagine with me for a moment. It’s early spring, the air is warm, the breeze soothing, and you find yourself lying in the grass under a large tree. What do you think about? Where do the smells and sounds take your mind? How do the song birds and buzzing insects make you feel? This is equilibrium. This is home base.
There’s a scientific concept that is near to my heart called ‘epigenetic mismatch’ or ‘evolutionary mismatch’. It states that our society and civilization have evolved hundreds of years faster than our bodies have. Our DNA for a large part is identical to that of our ancestors. Our bodies are simply not capable of keeping up with the demands of a 9-5.
We’re designed to spend the majority of our days outside instead of only seeing sunlight through windows or the occasional walk to our cars. To move all day long instead of working out for an hour and then sitting at a desk all day. To go to bed with the normal light patters of the seasons and to eat whole nourishing meals. To be cozy and spend quality time with those we love.
Society has gone so far from this way of life and we suffer for it, but there is hope. We can bring ourselves back to center, back to nature and ourselves with little changes here and there.
Open your windows when you wake up, go outside and get raw sunlight in your eyes. Eat whole fruits and vegetables, the closer to you they were harvested the better. Make nourishing meals and share them with loved ones. Bring plants and candles and rocks and animals into your home. Get outside as often as you can. Go for walks. Listen to music, and make it. Just slow down a little and things will begin to feel easier.
Best of luck,